Do you have bleeding gums? Are you wondering what the common bleeding in gum causes are? If so, you’re in the right place.
According to Healthline, bleeding gums could be a sign of underlying health issues, but commonly it’s because of gum diseases and problems.
Let’s discuss some of these.
Common Bleeding In Gum Causes
According to WebMD, bleeding in gums could be caused by various reasons. For example, it’s possible you may be following the wrong brushing technique, have gingivitis, etc.
Consider the following:
#1. Wrong Brushing Technique
You may not be aware of the correct brushing technique. Instead, you are following what you picked from your elders. An online hack could lead you to brush your teeth vigorously, and now you have bleeding gums.
You must discuss the situation with your dentist if that’s the case. Your dentist can guide you on how to use the brush or better if you can switch to an electric toothbrush as it’s easier to use and also let you know if you are too hard on the gums by producing a beeping sound.
#2. Flossing The Hard Way
You may have recently started flossing on the recommendation of your dentist. However, you’re not sure if you’re doing it right! If it’s too hard on the gums, they will start bleeding. You can also look into water flosser and see if it helps.
Your gums also need some time to adjust to your new flossing routine, but you must do it correctly. Everything comes down to how you maintain your oral hygiene. After all, it’s about taking care of yourself for a better healthy life!
#3. Gingivitis
According to Colgate, Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal disease. However, it’s reversible with your perfect oral hygiene. Your dental hygienist and dentist can cooperate, and it will be better.
Letting go of your oral hygiene and not taking care of gingivitis can get serious. So, when you notice bleeding gums, head to your dentist to rule out the possibility of gingivitis. But, of course, it’s always best to nip the evil in the bud, especially when you don’t want to take your oral health lightly. So, take charge of your oral health and eliminate gingivitis from your life as soon as you can!
A woman may also experience pregnancy gingivitis. Talk to your dentist if you have swollen or bleeding gums during pregnancy.
#4. Certain Medications
If you notice bleeding gums and take certain medications, they could be the cause. So when you consult your dentist, don’t forget to tell them about the medicines you’re taking at that time.
If the bleeding doesn’t go away, talk to your doctor. The doctor can recommend an alternative medicine to solve your concern. See if it helps!
#5. Vitamin Deficiency
You may experience bleeding gums because of the lack of Vitamin C and Vitamin K. If that’s the case, you must focus on taking food rich in such vitamins.
Your health care provider can also guide you on what to do if your vitamin levels are low. Your dentist and health care provider want the best for your health. With your cooperation, you can turn your situation for the better. It all comes down to how willing you are to eliminate the issue, especially when it’s curable or reversible.
Tips to Keep In Mind for Bleeding Gums
When your gums bleed easily, it’s not wise to let go of the situation. Instead, you need to see your dentist as soon as you can.
Keep the following tips in mind for your oral health:
- Indulge in a healthy lifestyle and consume food that’s good for oral health.
- Book regular appointments with the dentist and your doctor. Find the root cause of the bleeding gums.
- Get a new toothbrush and toothpaste on the recommendation of your dentist. Also, don’t forget to learn the brushing technique.
- Ask your dentist to teach you how to floss. You can also look into water flosser and see if that helps!
- Consult your dentist for your oral health. Many articles and information are available online, but your dentist knows the best of all.
Is it serious when my gums bleed?
Bleeding gums are common, but it can indicate an underlying issue. The most common problem is poor oral hygiene. As a result, there could be plaque and tartar build-up. In addition, bleeding gums indicate bacteria, and you need to clean your teeth properly. Bleeding gums could also result from gingivitis, improper brushing or flossing, and pregnancy.
What should I do if my gums start bleeding?
When you notice bleeding gums, it’s time to book an appointment with your dentist, especially when it doesn’t go away. Your dentist can tell you what’s wrong. Other than that, it’s always vital to maintain your oral hygiene.
How do I keep my gums healthy?
To keep your gums healthy, you must focus on oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes. You can replace your manual toothbrush with an electric one, especially the one that’s soft for the gums. Focus on a healthy diet and take your vitamins and minerals. Visit your dentist regularly for oral checkups and bring any concerns to your dentist’s attention.
Should I be concerned about bleeding gums?
If your gums are bleeding even without brushing or flossing the teeth, it’s time to see your dentist immediately. It could be because of gingivitis, and if you don’t treat it right away, it can lead to periodontal disease. You can take charge of the situation by talking to your dentist and with proper oral hygiene. Also, opt for professional cleaning as a dental hygienist can deeply clean your teeth.
Wrapping It Up
There are different causes of bleeding gums, but the most common is poor oral hygiene. Focusing on good oral health and taking care of yourself is the key! So, visit your dentist regularly, and if there are any concerns, it’s best to rule out the possibility of any underlying medical concerns.