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The toothbrush can have germs, fungi and bacteria, which increase over time and therefore, it is something that we must monitor to take care of our dental health.

Toothbrush care is simple. Its good maintenance and correct use are the pillars for adequate prevention and oral hygiene. Only this way will you avoid cavities and many other oral and other associated diseases.

We use our toothbrushes every day, ideally two or three times. We put a little paste on it, and we clean our teeth and prevent bacteria, plaque and inflammation. But rarely do we think about how we care for it. In this article, we will discuss the do’s and don’t of toothbrush care.

Toothbrush care Dos

  • Rinse it off after use

The fact is that the toothbrush comes into daily contact with the mouth by virtue of its very nature. Germs and bacteria can lurk there and inevitably. Food debris also gets trapped between the bristles.

Remember to rinse your toothbrush thoroughly whenever you have finished brushing your teeth. You can do this using hot water, which is more effective in general cleaning. You have to wash your hands first to make sure they are clean. Rub the bristles to remove the most obvious impurities. The bacteria load will be kept at bay if you do this regularly.

  • Store it properly

After rinsing the toothbrush, you have to position it in a suitable way to avoid some particular critical issues. Placement can affect the maintenance of your toothbrush. You have to keep your toothbrush dry after use.

A wet toothbrush favours the proliferation of bacteria. The same bacteria will then end up in your oral cavity when you use it.

It is generally recommended to place the toothbrush in a vertical position. It prevents any excess moisture naturally released due to gravity. In addition, you have to be careful with the toothbrush cover. It favours the formation of an environment in which excess humidity is not properly released. In such environments, bacterial proliferation can occur much faster.

  • Sanitise it

Rinsing the toothbrush helps eliminate the most evident residues, but hot water alone does not clean or sanitise your toothbrush in depth. You need to disinfect it properly. You can use special products found in pharmacies or supermarkets. Hydrogen peroxide and bicarbonate are particularly effective. You will need to immerse the brush head in a glass that contains hot water and bicarbonate and leave it there for about twenty minutes. At the end of the time, you will proceed by rinsing it with cold water and gently rubbing the bristles.

If you want to use hydrogen peroxide, you have to keep the toothbrush immersed in the hydrogen peroxide solution for at least all night.

These procedures help to keep your toothbrush in good condition. Toothbrush sanitising should be repeated at least once a week.

  • Replace it when the time has come

It is important to replace your toothbrush every 2 or 3 months. This will help improve your oral hygiene in the short and long term and avoid future problems.

Over time, the wear of the bristles becomes inevitable, and the toothbrush can no longer guarantee optimal cleaning standards. This means that bacteria can more easily proliferate in your oral cavity with the real risk of the onset of periodontal diseases.

After 3 months, the toothbrush has lost its effectiveness in removing bacterial plaque. The bristles lose resistance and effectiveness. At first glance, you can often see that you should replace it since you see that your toothbrush turns black, although if that time comes, it means that you should have changed it for a new one a long time ago.

Also, you should change it after a cold, flu, or mouth or throat infection, as germs can get on the brush bristles and reactivate the infection. If your toothbrush turns black or deteriorates, you should change it immediately.

Toothbrush care Dont’s

Here are things you should not do with your brush. Let’s see them.

  • Do not brush hard

Despite what is commonly believed, brushing your teeth hard with a toothbrush does not increase teeth cleaning. The only effect you will get will be irreparably ruining your enamel and the toothbrush itself. It also wanes the toothbrush bristles quickly.

Brush your teeth several times a day, but remember to use the right amount of force. Instead of applying a lot of force brushing once, you should increase the frequency. This reduces the risk of injuring the gums, causing a consequent inflammation or subsequent bleeding. Don’t use brushes with hard bristles. They wear down teeth and gums, even worse if excessive force is exerted during brushing. Soft to medium hardness brushes are generally recommended.

  • Don’t use  a bad brush

If the brush is very worn, the rounded end of the bristles is lost. This makes brushing less effective and can even damage teeth and gums.

It is recommended to change the toothbrush every 2 to 3 months. The same should be done with electric brush heads. Likewise, another frequent error with the toothbrush in terms of its conservation is not cleaning it thoroughly after use and not drying it. Putting it immediately in the plastic cap favours the growth and proliferation of bacteria inside.

Don’t use brushes with large heads. Toothbrushes with small heads facilitate access to the most posterior areas. They can reach difficult access or when the teeth are crowded. They are also very useful for brushing the inner face of lower molars.

  • Don’t keep your toothbrush close to the toilet

 If you have your toothbrush too close to the toilet, either on a ledge above or next, you are brushing your teeth with what is in your toilet. In other words, keep your toothbrush as far away from the toilet as possible.

  • Don’t keep toothbrushes close to others

 An average toothbrush harbours ten million microbes. Many families keep their toothbrushes in the same cup or container. This is often bad toothbrush care as it can lead to cross-contamination. Toothbrushes must be kept separate. Store your toothbrush out of the reach of small children. You never know what they can end up doing with them.

  • Don’t be late in replacing your toothbrush.

It is better to buy a new one every three to four months, even if the bristles are deformed. Also, it is important to replace the brush after a cold or flu.

  • Never share your toothbrush.

We all know the phrase sharing is living, but some things shouldn’t be shared, and your toothbrush is one of them.