One of the earliest decisions a mother takes for her child is whether to breastfeed or not. It can help your baby’s immune system. It can also prevent health concerns such as asthma, ear infections, SIDS, and childhood obesity. Breast and ovarian cancer risk may be reduced for nursing mothers.

Breastfeeding is one of an infant’s most crucial tasks. It not only assures the infant’s correct nourishment and overall health, but it also aids in the bonding of the mother and child. Did you know that breastfeeding has an impact on both the child’s and the mother’s oral health?

To learn how to keep reading.

Oral bacteria are effectively combated by breast milk.

Breastmilk contains proteins and antibodies that stop bacteria from growing. Lactose is used instead of sucrose, which is found in infant formula. Lactose is less cancer-causing than sucrose.

After your baby’s teeth erupt, you can continue breastfeeding.

There is no set time for you to stop breastfeeding your child. Even after the baby’s teeth appear, it is healthy to continue breastfeeding. You should concentrate on what is best for you and your baby, and do what you believe is right.

Breastfeeding aids in the development of a healthy bite.

According to studies, breastfed children have higher facial muscle activity. The sucking action encourages the growth of facial muscles and bones.

Children’s cavities are not prevented by breast milk.

Breast milk, like infant formula, includes glucose. Sugars like these can cause cavities in your child’s teeth. As a result, you should begin caring for your baby’s teeth as soon as possible after birth. At least once a day, wipe his gums with a gentle, damp towel. 

Begin brushing with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day when the first tooth emerges.

But did you know that both the infant’s and the mother’s dental health can be affected by breastfeeding? This is how:

Cavities can still develop in breastfed babies.

One of the most frequently asked questions among nursing mothers is if breastfeeding causes cavities. Yes, it is possible. Breast milk, like formula, contains sugar despite its natural state. That’s why, whether your kid is breastfed or bottle fed, it’s critical to look after his or her teeth right away. 

Begin washing your baby’s gums with a clean, moist gauze pad or washcloth every day a few days after delivery. Then, as soon as that first tooth appears, brush her teeth twice a day. Use a small bit of fluoride toothpaste, around the size of a grain of rice.

When your baby gets teeth, you don’t have to wean him or her.

Should I quit breastfeeding when my child starts teething? This is a common subject on parenting message boards and in interactions with new moms. If you don’t want to, the answer is no. Breastfeeding is recommended during the first year of a baby’s life. 

This is according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the World Health Organization advises mothers to do two. Dr. Sahota states about breastfeeding, “Each baby is unique, each mom is distinct.”

Breastfeeding may aid in the development of a better bite.

Several recent studies found that babies who were breastfed for the first 6 months had fewer tooth alignment issues. Compared to babies who were exclusively breastfed for shorter periods or not at all. Even so, your solely breastfed infant may need braces in the future. 

Other factors that affect alignment include heredity, pacifier use, and thumb sucking. “Every infant, every child is unique,” says Dr. Ruchi Sahota, a mother, and representative for the American Dental Association. “The finest thing a mother can do is take her child to the dentist.” 

Ascertain that the doctor can track the eruption of baby teeth and permanent teeth to ensure that they appear on time.

Breastfeeding reduces the likelihood of child bottle tooth decay in children.

Another advantage of exclusive breastfeeding is a lower chance of infant bottle tooth decay. This usually occurs when the baby’s teeth are exposed to sugary liquids regularly. When a baby is sent to bed with a bottle, even if it contains formula, milk, or fruit juice, this kind of tooth rot is common. 

Water is fine because the teeth will not be in contact with sugary liquids for an extended period. It most commonly affects the upper front teeth. But, it can also damage other teeth.

Breastfeeding increases your risk of cavities.

When a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, she is more likely to develop cavities. The following factors can put you at risk:

Oral hygiene techniques have changed.

A new baby can throw off your daily routine, including your dental hygiene routine, increasing your risk of cavities. As a result, it’s critical to stick to a good oral hygiene routine.

Cookies for lactation

Lactation cookies may be necessary if you are having difficulties producing enough milk for your baby. The ingredients in these cookies encourage milk production. They are also high in sugar, which increases the risk of cavities.

So, how can you look after your teeth while breastfeeding?

Please make every effort, beginning the day your bundle of joy arrives to:

Brush your teeth two times a day and floss continuously. This is not only wonderful for your smile, but it is also beneficial for your baby. After all, you don’t want to accidentally pass hazardous bacteria to your child by sharing a spoon or a kiss.

Drink a lot of water. It is critical to drink enough water to avoid dehydration.

Pay attention to any changes in your mouth. If you have a painful jaw or much dental discomfort, you may be grinding your teeth unknowingly. Make a few efforts to reduce your stress levels and see your dentist. This may be all you need to save your smile from the effects of bruxism.

Final Thoughts

We all know you want your child to see lots of healthy, pleasant smiles from you as they grow up. Please make efforts to protect your dental health while breastfeeding your precious child.