If you follow healthy habits, you may live a longer, healthier life. For better or worse, habits are a big part of life. 40% of your actions aren’t conscious decisions. In order to achieve a better you in 2023, we’re sharing 8 ways to stick to healthy habits in 2023. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way!

Begin with your “why”

You may want to explore why you are making changes. Ask yourself, what is your primary motive? Would you like to exercise so you can live a healthier life? Would you like to practice mindfulness so you can reduce or manage your stress? When you’re starting a new habit and making real change, always keep your “why” top of mind. It’ll motivate you to keep going.

The second step is to understand your current habits

The first step to making changes is to understand what you are doing. Habits are ways for your brain to save energy. You might not even be aware of some of the habits you have.

You can, for example, observe when you reach for unhealthy choices if you’re trying to eat healthy. When you pinpoint when you make unhealthy choices, you will begin to understand the triggers behind your current habits and work to overcome them. Is it when you’re watching TV or bored? Does stress trigger unhealthy choices?

Get started small

Take it slow, break down your changes into manageable steps, and add more as you go. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are healthy habits!

If you want to run a 5k but have never done so, break it down into smaller goals. Start by running a mile, then increase it as you achieve the micro-goals. Eventually, your small changes and healthy habits will snowball into big results.

Get Rid of Your Temptations

When you are just starting out on your fitness journey, temptation can be difficult. If you find yourself tempted, try to eliminate your triggers.

To eat more plant-based foods, for example, replace your pantry items with only plant-based options. This way, when you go to grab something to eat, you’ll only have options that support your habit.

If you are trying to reduce the amount of time you spend on screens, you can set limits on how long you can use the device before it locks. Apps like Apple’s Screen Time will allow you to set limits on any app and will lock it once you have reached your daily limit.

Schedule time to work on habits

Do you often use the excuse “I’m too busy” to give up on a healthy habit? Don’t let this common pitfall hold you back from achieving your goals. Instead, block out time for your goals every day. You might have to block out time for a daily workout, reading time, oral hygiene routines, or whatever you do every day. Putting time on your calendar will serve as a daily reminder that this healthy habit is important and deserves your attention.

Get a support system in place

You don’t have to go it alone! Find a friend or group that will support you through your journey to a healthier you! Share your goals and update each other on your progress with a friend who also wants to achieve healthy habits. A positive support team will give you a push when you need it, give you insight on how to overcome obstacles, and motivate you!

Be patient with yourself

Good things take time. According to Healthline, habits can take between 18-254 days to form, with an average of 66 days. Some habits are easier to form than others, but unfortunately, there isn’t a standard process to stick with healthy habits. So, keep going and don’t give up!

Give yourself a reward

You should reward yourself for milestone achievements when you are planning your routines to create healthier habits. For example, if your goal is to work out 5x a week, once you have successfully done this for a month, buy yourself a fitness tracker or some new workout shoes to further motivate your workouts or schedule some time for a massage to take care of yourself!

Start working on your healthy habits now!

No matter what healthy habits you hope to achieve in 2023, if you follow these 8 steps, you’ll be on your way to making them stick. Even if you miss a day, remember the bigger picture. It’s ok to make mistakes and have off days. The important thing is that you get up and try again the next day!