You may replace your plastic toothbrush every 3 to 4 months for your oral hygiene! But, unfortunately, it means you are adding four toothbrushes to the landfill. According to National Geographic, one billion toothbrushes will be thrown away in America this year! So that’s one big reason to find the best alternative.

Throw away the toothbrush once and for all! Find an easy alternative to deal with so that you need not worry about affecting the planet Earth. One of the best things you can do today is to buy a bamboo toothbrush! Suppose you are in the hospitality industry and have many hotels. In that case, you can find a supplier of bamboo toothbrushes and raise awareness about not using plastic among your hotel guests!

Read on for more information.

Why Throw Your Toothbrush Today

Now, you could be wondering why you would be throwing your toothbrush at all! Consider the following:

#1. There Are Better Alternatives

Instead of using plastic toothbrushes, you can use the better alternative! For example, it’s better to use a bamboo toothbrush instead of manual plastic ones.

A quick web search can help you find the right bamboo toothbrush for yourself and your family! It’s just a click away. So make sure you add the perfect toothbrush to your life today. It’s time to pay back to the environment, and the change can start with you!

#2. There Is BPA And Toxic Chemicals

When using plastic, there could be BPA and toxic chemicals that you may not be aware of, so it’s best to avoid the use of manual plastic toothbrushes.

When buying a toothbrush, always check the product features and specifications. Doing so can help you find out the materials used in the making. In addition, it’s good to know what are the components of your plastic toothbrush.

#3. It’s Bad for The Landfill And Marine Life

As mentioned previously, many toothbrushes become a part of the garbage, and some may even affect marine life. So, you must try your best not to get plastic toothbrushes anymore.

It’s wise to know whether the toothbrush you are buying is easy to get rid of or not! Some toothbrushes may take a long time to decompose, and thus, it’s best to avoid them in the first place.

#4. It’s Better to Avoid The Use of Plastic

If you are concerned about the well-being of the planet Earth for future generations, then it’s best to avoid the use of plastic in general. You are now aware of the impact of plastic on the environment, so it’s best to start a campaign and stop using plastic toothbrushes right away.

Plastic is not suitable for the planet Earth! You may see the companies and brands getting conscious about the use of plastic, and they are trying to avoid it as much as possible! Now, it’s your turn to stop bringing the plastic home.

#5. You Deserve The Best

One of the main reasons to throw the plastic toothbrush today is that you deserve the best! Yes, you heard that right. It’s time to treat yourself with the right products. But, first, you need to find the best toothbrush for yourself and your family and throw away the plastic one!

When you know that plastic toothbrushes aren’t suitable for your planet, it’s time to get serious. You need to find the best alternative today. It’s time to take action now!

Tips to Keep In Mind When You Stop Using The Plastic Toothbrush

When you decide to stop using the plastic toothbrush, it’s time to keep a few points in mind, such as:

  • Try recycling the plastic toothbrush if possible! See if a company is collecting plastic toothbrushes in the nearby area. The plastic toothbrushes from your home mustn’t end up at sea or affect marine life. Try finding the ways through which you would be able to get safely rid of the plastic toothbrushes! The goal is to be as safe as possible. See what other companies and businesses are doing with plastic toothbrushes!
  • Let others know about the impact of plastic on the environment. You can start a campaign to raise awareness on this issue. It’s vital for the coming generations.
  • You can start spreading awareness on social media too. You can create a post on your social networks and let people know how plastic toothbrushes are not suitable for the environment.
  • If you are buying a bamboo toothbrush, let others know about it as well! Also, please give them the reason for purchasing the bamboo toothbrush! After all, you can do yourself and your environment a favor by bringing this change into your life.
  • If you are a hotel or a business that gives toothbrushes to guests, it’s time to find a suitable supplier for bamboo toothbrushes. Show the world that your company cares about the well-being of the environment. The world needs people and businesses like you who are conscious and use eco-friendly things rather than plastic toothbrushes. You can also raise awareness about the impact of plastic.

It may seem small, but when you start reducing the use of plastic in your home, it can make a huge difference. You may think about others taking the initiative, but it’s best if you take the first step and educate others about it as well! The change can start with you and your home! You could be the first person in the family or your community to raise awareness about this serious issue affecting Earth!

Wrapping It Up

Gone are the days when plastic toothbrushes were your priority! Now that you know about the impact of plastic on the environment and marine life, you would want to try your best and avoid plastic toothbrushes. It’s time to find an alternative, and you can start by using the bamboo toothbrush. So it’s wise to throw the plastic toothbrush today or maybe try putting it to good use or give it to a company collecting the toothbrushes!