Tips to Keep Your Child’s Smile Healthy

Tips to Keep Your Child’s Smile Healthy

In the previous article, we read about appropriate toothbrushes and toothpaste based on your child’s age. If you passed up the chance to read that article, click here to read about it. (Insert the link to the article: ToothpasteTimeline for Children) Now, I am sure...
How to Make Elephant Toothpaste

How to Make Elephant Toothpaste

What is elephant toothpaste?  Is it a toothpaste to clean the elephant’s teeth? Before I get some information about it, it was just a toothpaste of elephant that I thought it did. It is an experiment called elephant toothpaste due to its “volcano of foam”. It...
How Do You Train A Baby With A Toothbrush?

How Do You Train A Baby With A Toothbrush?

Everyone loves a baby’s toothless grin and many parents get sentimental with the appearance of the first tooth. Teething is a major milestone in a baby’s life and it marks the day that he is ready to eat solid food. These tiny pearly whites need to be taken care of or...
How to Choose the Right Baby Toothbrush?

How to Choose the Right Baby Toothbrush?

As a parent, you would want your baby to get the best toothbrush that can help them prevent any tooth decay or dental problems in the future. However, choosing a good and appropriate baby toothbrush can be a challenge especially if you are not knowledgeable about...